Kathrine Switzer, First Woman to Run The Boston Marathon Talks Triumph in Life
ALL EPISODES • Oct 24, 2023
Inspiring. Motivating. Empowering. This is Kathrine Switzer, the first official woman to run the Boston Marathon. She just wanted to run but ended up being an icon. In the beginning, the goal was just to be on the girls’ field hockey team in high school. But, with the ever-present support of her father, she not only reached that goal, she triumphed over and over, just by having the passion to put one foot in front of the other. From being the fastest girl on the field hockey team, to garnering an audience for girls’ sports for the first time by being a writer for the school newspaper, to training with the all-boys Cross Country team at Syracuse University, her younger years laid the foundation for her work in the spotlight as a women’s and civil rights activist, following her history-making run in the Boston Marathon in 1967. After that, the sky was the limit. She had to keep going…and she did! In this interview, Kathrine shares her awe-inspiring journey from curious girl to strong woman and how she is now giving back to other women worldwide through her non-profit, 261Fearless.